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TCG Demonstrates Commitment to Insurance Industry

TCG Strengthens Insurance Industry Connections at NAMIC 124th Convention

The Carlisle Group (TCG) once again attended the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) Convention in Washington DC’s National Harbor from September 22nd through the 25th. It was the 124th anniversary for the NAMIC Convention, and Senior Search Consultants Marc Gyimesi, Maury Hennessy, and Brian Schrift (all of TCG) joined hundreds of insurance industry leaders from across the United States and Canada. As always, this year’s NAMIC convention provided an excellent opportunity for the TCG team to network with many of its valued insurance clients all in one place.

According to the Insurance Team, this conference is one of the best conventions they attend all year. Not only did the team exhibit, but they were proud to sponsor NAMIC’s pre-conference Compensation Survey. This broad support for the organization has been greatly appreciated by TCG’s valued insurance partners, demonstrating their commitment to the insurance industry.

During the conference, TCG’s representatives were able to discuss and share their insights on not only the compensation survey, but other recruitment trends and hiring challenges that many insurance organizations face today. The NAMIC Convention was a great success, and we look forward to attending next year’s 125th anniversary convention in Boston, MA.

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