TCG Team Joins Local Community
TCG Gives Back: Supporting the Local Community Through Volunteering
In two recent events, the TCG crew was able to give of its most valuable resource, its time!
First, on Friday, September 6th, several members of the team joined the United Way of the Capital Region for its annual Day of Caring event in Harrisburg. This was the team's second year in a row volunteering to make city homes safer by doing door-to-door smoke alarm checks and installations with the American Red Cross.
Then, on Monday, September 16th, we joined the Cumberland Area Economic Development Committee (CAEDC) for their Annual Found It on the Green Golf event at the Carlisle Country Club.
As always, we're proud to be a part of our local business community and the community at large. Looking forward to the United Way of Cumberland County's Day of Caring event next month!